俳優、ダンサー、コメディアン、歌手、音楽家、噺家、サーカス団員など全ての表現者に贈る パフォーマーのためのオラクルカード
For actors, dancers, comedians, singers, musicians, comic storytellers, circus performers, etc.
Oracle Cards for Performers are great for providing advice and healing.
Shuffle the 44 cards and choose one with a calm mind.
You will receive the message you need most at this moment.
It will protect the piece you are working on.
2.嫌なことがあったときに聞く瞑想エクササイズ 音声ガイド15分
Don’t miss out on some other gorgeous extras:
✔︎ All cards come with exercises to further empower you.
✔︎ FBI story column by the author, the first Japanese person to be commended for playing the role of a criminal in an FBI counterterrorism training exercise.
✔︎ Meditation exercises to listen to when you’re having a difficult day (15-minute audio guide) with Ondes Martenot music.
Currently, there is no English version, but you are more than welcome to message us in English from here.